

1- Nuclear Families: in these families, the nucleous is the biological or adoptive parents of the children with an extended web of relatives.

2- Single-parents Family: in this family there is only one parent in the home who provides all the care. This is currently increasing in most developed countries including Chile.

3- Step Families: these families are generally created by diverce and remarriage where biologically unrelated children live in the same household.

4- Grandparents - Led families: sometimes children are reared by their grandparents when their biological paernts have died or can no longer take care of them or work full-time.

5- Commuter Families: in these families, the parents usually live and work in diferents town or states. One parent provide the primary residence, and the other parent comes home for short periods of time, such as weekends or holydays.

6- Faster and Group Home Families: substitute parents and institutional child care workers normally provides a replacement family fr children referred by the courts or government agencies.

7- Community Families: it is a family where a group of people who live and work together ofter share the responsabilities of raising the children.

- bisabuelo (a)= great-grandfather / grat-grandmother
- bisnietos= great-grand children
- bisnieto (a)= great-grandson / great-granddaughter
- abuelos= grandparents
- abuelo (a)= grandfather / grandmother
- nietos= grandchildren
- nieto (a)= grandson / granddaughter
- padres= parents
- papá / mamá= father / mother
- hijos= children
- hijo (a)= son / daughter
- hermanos= siblings
- hermano (a)= brother / sister
- hermano (a)= brother / duaghter
- tío (a)= uncle / aunt
- sobrino (a)= nephew / niece
- primos= cousins
- suegro (a)= father in law / mather in law
- cuñado (a)= brother in law / sister in law
- yerno / nuera= son in law / daughter in law
- marido (esposo)= husband
- esposa= wife
- padrinos= good parents
- padrino / madrina= good father / good mother
- ahijado (a)= good son / good daughter
- padrastro / madrastra= step father / step mother
- hermanastro (a)= step brother / step daughter
- hijastro (a)= step son / step daughter